… and it is my first grandchild, a boy! I have been up since 2 am this morning, and look what I came up with:
A baby bag – huge, for all the stuff my son Michael and his wife Daniela will put in it. Right now it is filled with Christmas gifts for the little one, which I had a blast wrapping. I used drunkard’s path blocks from a quilt I am working on – I did not want more orphan blocks!
How will I wait another 4 months until I can hold him? Anyway, here is the back of the bag:
Those are charm squares… so you can tell it is big. It is lined with a soft blue fabric, and it has lots of pockets inside. I quilted it using monofilament, SITD (stitch in the ditch) to make it simple.
I found a perfect trim for the handles at JoAnn’s, in the home decor department. And, I added a special touch:
… which is my first son’s last name.
Man, this grandma thing is going to be so much fun!!! When I think about the baby I feel happy inside – it reminds me of how I felt when I was expecting my own boys.
Now, my grandma girlfriends, do you have any words of wisdom for the novice here?
Tenho:BOBONA!!!Eu já estive aí…e a palavra que eu mais ouço é esta.Curta seu momento e não se importe comigo(conosco),pois saiba que coruja é pouco para o momento,e é assim com todas as avós,não importa de quantos netos.Prepare-se para a primeira olhada e me (nos)explique depois.Seja feliz,compre mesmo,faça MESMO,é único,não importa.Tenho um casal e não sei descrever o que acontece com essa Química.Beijos.
Lucky you! This is very exciting. You are going to be sewing your brains out for that little baby. GREAT bag!!