This is month eight of the Bella Solids Skill Builder sew along hosted by Fat Quarter Shop. We have been building our blocks monthly to make this beautiful quilt. We are almost there!
This is my Starburst block. For the next four I need to make sure the centers match better…
First I used the Creative Grids Starburst 30 Degree Triangle Ruler to cut the shapes from all the fabrics.
Then I stitched the petals together three by three.
Here are all the petals together. I really liked the block just like this! But…
… we need to get the 12″ ruler to trim it down to its final shape. I will make four more of these and be ready for next month’s block, which will be the last of our Sew Along.
Let’s head over to Fat Quarter Shop’s blog to see what the blocks from the other bloggers look like. Have a wonderful weekend!