It is time to bring out my favorite table topper of the season… These warm colors brighten up my dining area and I don’t put anything on top of the quilt as I like to see all of it! The solid rings against the print background emphasize the double wedding ring design.
Thousands of leaves make sure we don’t forget which season we are in! It took forever to FMQ them but it was worth it.
For the rings I used the template and fusible web for the Double Wedding Ring by Quiltsmart. This product was the only reason why I ever attempted the wedding ring pattern! I cut the the ring pieces by using their template, stitched and fused them onto the background blocks. E-a-s-y!
The fabrics are from the Awesome collection by Sandy Gervais for Moda. Very appropriate name, if you ask me, because it has my favorite colors! I still have half yard of the main print left as I did make another fall quilt with it but it is in my To Be Quilted pile. It may be sort of difficult to find this fabric again, so I think I will save it. For now.
Enjoy this beautiful (at least in Utah) fall day!