Are you ready to celebrate back to school? With two teenage boys still at home, I may or may not have been partying since 7 am this morning… I want you to join in the fun by participating in this giveaway: one Color Theory jelly roll by Vanessa Christenson of V and Co. for Moda Fabrics. This giveaway is sponsored by my BFF Deb. Isn’t she the best?
Here is what you need to do:
– Leave a comment below telling me what was fun about your summer. Anything goes: a project you made, a meal you had, a trip, etc.
1. For another chance to win let me know that you follow this blog;
2. For yet another chance, let me know that you follow me on Instagram ( @piecedbrain ).
– If you are a noreply blogger, please leave an email for contact in case you are the winner. Be sure to write it as “soandso at gmail dot com” so you don’t get spammed.
This giveaway will end at 5 pm this Thursday, August 25, and it is open to both the US and international friends. Let’s party together!
OK, I will start. This summer I enjoyed my mom’s company for two months. She lives in Brazil and I had not seen her in two years. Yikes! Loved her cooking, her jokes, shopping and traveling with her. Sure I can think of other things I liked, but having her around was the best treat. Now it is your turn.
I am looking forward to reading your comments. In the meantime, I will dance the day away!
We had a pretty low-key summer around here. We had a few short trips, one to Minnesota and the other to Wisconsin and both were fun! The best part of the summer was having more time to sew! Yes, I could've and should've gotten other things done around the house, but those things aren't fun! Enjoy your days with those boys back in school!
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My hubby and i just have fun being together, we are always laughing and cutting up
This is my first summer being a mom and though I am sleep deprived, it has been incredibly fun showing my daughter the world outside, introducing her to swimming, and taking a zillion photos of her each and every day. And because it's so warm out, I haven't had to worry about tiny socks at all.
I can't believe how quickly the summer has flown by but it was great!! We took several small trips to the city and up north along dirt roads; we worked on patching up two huge stone walls; and enjoyed hot and cold beverages on our front deck chatting with people walking by.
The best thing about my summer was after a week the part for my A/C came in and I had cool air again in the bedrooms….giggle. Just a nice normal relaxing summer.
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It has been a wonderful summer, I'm not ready for it to be over. Best times included lazy days in the pool with my Grands, and wonderful nights star gazing on the shores of Lake Michigan with my Guy. 🙂
The best part of my summer was spending a week with just me and hubby in 25 years. First vacation with no kids.
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I finished my Swoon top this summer!
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We went swimming. A lot. Lol! Thanks for this chance to win!
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This summer I started a new job so no time off for me. I was able to make numerous weekend trips to Dallas to visit my kids and grandkids! Which is always enjoyable.
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We welcomed a new grandbaby this summer!!
I've done some sewing, and enjoyed visiting with some old friends.
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Went to a family reunion and had fun talking and watching the kids play. Thanks for the great giveaway! vickise at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via email. vickise at gmail dot com
I follow you on Instagram. @vickiseals vickise at gmail dot com
The best thing about my summer was the opportunity to spend some time with my family in Virginia!
We had a nice vacation on the west coast in May to celebrate our granddaughter's graduations from high school and dance school.
We visited to beautiful gardens, the Japanese Garden in Rockford, IL and the Rotary Gardens in Janesville, WI. Both are fabulous gardens. Yesterday, we surprised my sister with a birthday party for her 70th birthday. She has MS and has been a little down–this gave her a great pick-me-up.
We had a fabulous holiday in Italy!
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Our road trip back to MI from PA to visit family was wonderful!!
[email protected]
Following you on Instagram (snoozen552). Thanks for a great giveaway!
We had a fabulous sunny and warm days.We had a week of vacation with family near the beach.
My daughter & I planted pumpkins this summer & they actually grew. Doesn't seem like much, but I have a black thumb, so this is pretty exciting. Going to have a lot of jack o' lanterns this year for Halloween. Thanks for the lovely giveaway
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When is back to school in your area? Here will be next month.
Things that we enjoyed – finally finding a new home for us after a year of looking. We also enjoyed attending the Peter Gabriel/ Sting concert- a pair of artists that were on our bucket lists.
I am looking forward to getting moved to our new home so that I can create some new quilts.
Warmest regards from Western Alberta,
I follow your blog on google + . Thanks for the chance to win such a nice jelly roll.
Warmest regards,
I'm re-arranging my sewing room – er – studio and cleaning up some of my fabric storage. Should make things I want to use easier to find. Big job. Promising myself not to let it get so messy again.
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our summer has been very busy at church. VBS etc. My husband did a lot of traveling for work, so that was different. I have not done much quilting, but spent a lot of time with friends and family.
Great giveaway, just got your e-mail while on vacation at Lake George New York. It's wonderful to relax on the lake watching to boats go by. Soon we'll be home and back to school. Happy and sad my only child, my son will be a high school senior. Next year "everything will change", I'm sad already. I hope this next year goes very slow. ;-> Toni Anne
I actually really enjoyed that the weather was not that hot in Switzerland. In the evening it was always cooling down nicely which makes summer for me just much mor enjoyable!Yay!
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not much excitement this summer as my husband started Dialysis and that takes up a lot of time. I also have been dealing with neck and shoulder issues so not much fun time for me as well. But I did get to shop online and get lovely kits, fabrics, and of all things doll ITH patterns. I make quilts for ill children, nursing homes and have had to slow down with those but I found the best place to get doll and stuffed animal ITH patterns and have been putting my embroidery machine to much fun and I know the kids that will get these are going to love them.
I am a follower of this blog… don't have a instagram account just yet so no go there
And I am very new to instagram and follow you now, yay!
I follow the blog through my email at sewbeads at yahoo etc
My fun thing this summer: traveled to Portland, Oregon and spent time with family!!!
We took two vacations to the UP of Michigan this year – it was a blast! thanks!
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How sweet that your mother was able to visit, I enjoyed teaching my children to swim, but can't wait till they start school again either.
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We spent most of our summer in the backyard pool.
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Melsdaisypatch at gmail dot com
I had a very lovely summer, with trips to Ashland Oregon to see my son and a Shakespeare play, a trip to visit cousins in Seattle, a trip to visit my brother in Texas, and then a trip to Lake Tahoe to celebrate my husbands birthday. All were just long weekend trips, but nice to have them spread out for a great summer. Your visit with your mom sounds great…two years is a long time!!
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I follow you on Instagram as @storybookfelts
The best part of summer was the days I was able to just hang out with my grand daughter. Poolside is so much more fun with my best buddy.
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A new puppy is making my summer fun!
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The very best part of MY summer was a visit from my younger daughter! I live in Florida and she is in NYC so we do not get a chance to get together very often. We cooked and ate and worked on the family tree and talked and talked and talked some more.
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I entered a few quilts in a quilt show for the first time and it was more fun than I'd ever anticipated. I usually give them away as fast as I make them, so this year I decided to wait to send them off to their new homes.
[email protected]
I spent 6 weeks having my children and grandchildren visit. We had a lot of fun. Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow you via email,mouth I'm thinking of changing to another way because by the time I get an email telling me you've posted, it's already an old post!
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I also follow on Instagram as ceciliaquilts.
HI,we celebrated our oldest Grandson's Wedding this summer! So Neat!LOVE "COLOR THEORY"! THANKS FOR A SWEET GIVEAWAY!
[email protected]
Summer was a lot of fun…lots of family in and out.
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Denise, I got to spend some precious time with my 20month old grandson
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I follow your blog by emails. I enjoy your blog so much as well as your tutorials. Keep them coming and I will keep on printing them out. Thank you.
Sandi Timmons
[email protected]
Our only trip this summer was a long vacation weekend in Williamsburg, Va. to celebrate my sister's 50th wedding anniversary. Thanks.
This has been a summer of celebrations for me! First my best friend turned 80 (older than my mom!), and I was privileged to make the cake for her party bash. It was the first cake I've decorated in 20 years, but it was loads of fun!!! She loves cardinals, so I made birdhouse and a white picket fence to go with some red beauties dotting the "snow" frosting. My daughter landed a life-long wish of a job at a vet's office as a vet technician! And I just returned home from attending my niece's wedding to the man she has loved and wanted to marry for 3 years now! I stopped and visited with my sweet mom – just me and her – for 4 whole days, which was definitely cause for celebration after her success in beating colon cancer last year. Woohoo!!!! I think that roll of sweet fabrics would top off the celebrations quite nicely, don't you?
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Just being with the one that I love. I just enjoy his company so much and it doesn't matter where we go or what we do. It's just being together that matters to me.
Sandi Timmons
[email protected]
I follow by email and am very glad that I do!
Fun thing this summer? Have completed several sewing projects – a bag, a couple of projects and 3 quilt tops. Looking forward to more in the fall.
Hmm.. I've been busy hand stitching my hexies quilt 🙂
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This summer was spent watching my kiddos in swim lessons and then seeing my girl swim on her own!
I enjoyed the hot sun this summer and my new patio….thanks
I do follow you via email, Denise
I spent two weeks in Italy this summer. A life long dream! I followed and liked!
Taking grandson (3 1/2) to the children's museum while he visited takes the cake.
This summer was about friends. A couple I helped get together had their first child together. They both bring children for other relationships but this one is of the two of them. Plus this friend become the national president of our professional organization. He brought me out of sabbatical to work to support him. I am loving this. Another friend is getting married this summer. After a nice long engagement, they are tying the knot. I love both sets of my friends very much and it has been great seeing their continued growth.
It's good you got to spend some quality time with your mother after such an absence. There are day I really wish my mother was still here to share my life with but I am grateful for all the time we did have together,
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I follow your inspirational blog via Bloglovin.
One of these days I may get around to incorporating Instagram into my social media array … but not today.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Beautiful fabrics! Glad you were able to see your Mom. This summer I got to spend it with my son and grandson. My son just transferred to a new area so I was able to go visit and watch my grandson. It was super as I haven't been able to spend that much time with my son since boot camp. ? Also being with my grandson everyday was a special thing. I was truly Blessed this summer.
Thanks for a chance to win.
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Thanks for a chance to win.
This summer I turned 60 and my sister and family came 700 miles to celebrate with me.
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I enjoyed visiting Arkansas and the P. Allen Smith Garden Home with my sister. I gave her the trip as her 60th birthday gift.
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We are building our first house and are busy meeting with the architect on weekends. As we left his office one Sunday, a parade of men dressed in full samurai regalia and carrying war flags was marching down the street right in front of us! It was the day of one of Kyoto's most iconic festivals, the Aoi Matsuri.
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I spent many a day and evening on my new deck sipping beverages and doing hand stitching. Thank you for this great giveaway.
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I haven't done anything fun this summer. ?
hmmm some of the best days this summer were getting outside when it wasn't raining!
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I took at 16-day trip to Canada with my mom and sister! [email protected]
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The summer heat has given me all the excuse I need to stay in the air conditioning and make quilts! [email protected]
I follow your blog via Bloglovin. [email protected]
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We took a great family vacation this summer. My husband and I, and our 26 year old son went to Ireland and Scotland.
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We went to Georgia for Family Reunion, and after..went to North Carolina & spent time with our Daughter! 🙂 While there..we made quilt tops…used same pattern, different fabrics! Such fun Heart Memories made together!! When she comes up to Ohio next month..we will have sandwiched..& quilt them together here! 🙂
Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way too!!! 😀
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We got in a couple of camping trips with some dear friends.
Didn't do anything "special" this summer but, I always enjoy the heat and being outside
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I went to some lovely weddings this summer ?
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The best part of my summer was a swim meet/coast trip with my girls.
The best part was seeing my daughter and 3 grandsons. The second best thing was making a Red and White Vortex quilt. Quite a challenge but oh so beautiful.
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The pool! The pool was/is so much fun this summer!
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I live in the tropics so perpetual summer but I am looking forward to a short break in Singapore
I loved having some time off work, my husband and I went away for just 3 days together and it was so relaxing to walk along the coast and eat meals without having to fix somehing the children liked too. x
I follow with Bloglovin'. Thanks you for a great giveaway. x
honestly I didn't half of the things on my to-do-list. One thing the weather wasn't so great (this week is one of the best so far) and then summer is over faster then you can imagine at the begin. But what I did last week was spending a fun evening with friends with food and a cinema visit. I really enjoyed the time:-)
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My brother and my niece both got married this year. So I had two weddings to go to.
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My favorite part of this summer was a trip around our little province which included a visit to the quilt show in Saulnierville, amazing . Thanks for the chance.
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We spent the a week visiting my parents. The kids swam like fish and I visited old friends
I follow you on Instagram too! @littlehousenthedairy
Glad you're mom was able to come and visit! Hmm, it's been a very quiet summer here. I think the highlight was I was able to go to a quilt show! It was a small, mountain one, but my dd and I had fun. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I follow on my blog reader 🙂
It was a pretty great summer. I got a promotion at work. I went to a great quilt retreat a few weeks ago. The weather hasn't been terrible and I even got some fishing in. All and all perfect! Oh the garden could have been better but we still got some things canned and enjoyed our fresh veggies.
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I've been having fun this summer making scrap quilts and playing with new designs. Heaven!
I got to travel to San Diego with my family to see my sister for a mortgage burning party. We had lots of great food and talked for days. Best way to vacation in my opinion. I also spent quite a bit of time sewing at home.
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This summer I had fun with family coming to see me! Yep, we were the destination.
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Fun this summer included prepping for baby # 3, who should arrive in the next 2 weeks.
lindsayrodems at gmail dot com
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lindsayrodems at gmail dot com
New follower on Instagram (@preciousandpink_lindsay)
I moved this summer and have been having fun setting up my new sewing room! I also went kayaking for the first time! momik97ataoldotcom
I follow you by email. momik97ataoldotcom
I loved having my grandchildren at our house for a week this summer. We all have a lot of fun playing in our 2 1/2 acre yard, even in 95 degree heat and humidity to match!
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Hi Denise ! The most fun I had this summer was traveling 1100 miles home to South Dakota to see my brother and sisters. All 5 of us range in age from 59-70 and live all over the USA and abroad. Laughs a plenty !!
The most fun I had this summer was going to my bf's family cabin way up north in the MN woods. It was wonderful.
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Family reunion in the Black Hills. We rented a lodge and enjoyed together time, including a hayride and BBQ cookout.
I enjoyed a road trip with quilty friends to a quilt show and a shop hop on the way back home.
We bought a new tent and camped in our back yard. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow your blog via email. dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow via Instagram (cher277). dawnm1993(at)gmail(dot)com
We were able to go back up to Illinois and see Vietnamese friends who have recently been able to move back to the USA.
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I cut into and completed my first Moda Frivol and can't wait to get started on the next one! I follow you on instagram theschneiderzoo and follow blog zookeeper247 at gmail dot com 🙂
I made some pillows and a name banner for my daughters classroom and helped her set up her classroom. She is a first year, first grade teacher this year! Still have a wall hanging of a map to finish got her.
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This summer I have got our house ready to sell. It has sold and now is in escrow, so now time to pack!
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I follow you by email at louster388atyahoodotcom
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What I did that was fun this summer…. besides sewing and quilting for customers… we had our bathroom gutted and redone! So much fun:) haha!!!
I had my kids over for the fourth of July.
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This summer, I made a trip to Canarias Islands with my lover, and it was just what we needed: sea, sun, relax!
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… and via Instagram too! (@quiltpatchappli)
quiltpatchappli at gmail dot com
We had a mostly stay at home summer, but that was OK because I spent a lot of time tending to my flowers, and the effort paid off. They look fantastic! Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
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Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Figured out a design to quilt on my queen size quilt and started it. [email protected]
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A trip to Door County Wisconsin
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And I follow you on instagram (heidi_frogcreek)
The best part of our summer was spending so much time with family!!
I follow you on instagram (sayitaintsew10)
Trip to northern Wisconsin and seeing loons a highlight.
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Working on some small preChristmas presents! 🙂 churcae(at)auburn(dot)edu
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Following you on instagram! mumbird3
I got motivated to quilt again when my daughter requested a new quilt!
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I follow you by email, thanks for wonderful giveaway. Can't believe how excited I can get over fabric.
djcutting2 at gmail dot com
I met my second grandson last week at just 17 days old. He's a sweetheart and such a good baby. First child for his parents.
I follow you by email. It's my preferred method. Thanks for the opportunity to win this luscious fabric.
Our family made it a point to do some things immediately at the beginning of summer because we always would get to the week before school and say "we didn't do anything fun, what happened to the summer?" jarvenpa1ne(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow by email. jarvenpa1ne(at)gmail(dot)com
Follow on bloglovin – love your blog! Great summer with the kids.
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We had a wonderful summer in France, my country, visiting friends living in some places far away from us in the country, it was great to see them, we had fun talking, eating, laughing!
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Long trip by bicycle along the shore, it was so peaceful, and beautiful! We loved it!
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I enjoyed swimming and playing in the pool with my toddler granddaughter!!!
Anita dot Sharp @gmail.
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I follow you on Instagram!
Nothing beats sitting on the deck after dinner, watching the day come to an end. It was a beautiful summer for doing just that! So glad you got to be with your Mom.
I follow your blog with Bloglovin. Still haven't finished my City Girl quilt! Someday…
I now follow you on Instagram – great way to see what everyone is up to!
I've had sooo much fun this summer. From camping to beach. Wonderful weddings and bridal showers. And now I'm getting read to go on a cruise. WOOOOOOWHO what a summer.
follow on bloglovin @icanquilt2
I follow on instagram @icanquilt2
The best thing about this summer was a tie. I traveled across the country with my soon to be husband and spent a week camping with several hundred people while we had medieval battles.
The next month we got married in a gorgeous outdoor setting in custom medieval themed outfits. It was everything I dreamed it would be. <3
I'm following your blog through feedly and I'm Shadowknits on instagram. 🙂
I am on a week off from work and have been doing a stay-cation! So far I have revived a quilt project started in October 2014 (yes 2014!!!!) and I went to a castle ruin I had never been too 🙂
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Added @piecedbrain to my Instagram feed.
Atrip to Newport OR with my quilting friend to attend her guild's show was the highlight of the summer. My friend's Kalidescope quilt was hanging and used a spectacular color combination with a black background. Dinner at her favorite Thai restaurant capped the day. Thanks for the inspiration I gain from your blog.
We had family gatherings, wedding parties, lot of fun!
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IG too! (@quilty987)
I got to meet my newest niece. My brother-in-law lives 14 hours away and we have 4 year old twins (long drive for those guys). I forgot how tiny babies really are!
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We staycationed this year and had a lot of fun with day trip – the lake, mini-golf, local AAA baseball game. Was lovely and relaxing!
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All my fun was sewing for Quilts of Valor.
I had fun this summer b/c I got to have my 2 granddaughters with me 2 days a week.
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The best part of my summer was a family reunion on the coast of California. Lots of beach time!
I follow you via Bloglovin. Thanks for all the inspiration!