It is celebration time! February marks the third anniversary of this blog. It seems it was just yesterday that I decided to connect with others as a blogger, to share with you my projects, the books I love, and tutorials for cool quilt and craft projects. I am so happy I did.
I am learning so much from all of you, having fun reading your blogs and seeing your projects, and participating in blog hops. I am also really excited about this year’s City Girl Sew Along (stay tuned for this week’s show and tell!).
Fat Quarter Shop is joining me in the celebration by offering one of my lucky readers one Fresh Cut Layer Cake BasicGrey by Moda Fabrics. Just leave me a comment by Friday, February 27, at 5 PM for a chance to win the layer cake. For another chance, leave another comment letting me know that you are a follower. Make sure I have a way to contact you (noreply bloggers: type in your email as “soandso at whatever dot com”).
I hope you have been inspired by my blog just as much as I have been from my association with you.
Enjoy your day,
Lovely! I would love to win it! Thanks
Congratulations, Denise!! Three years of blogging is quite an accomplishment!! Here's to the next three years!! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful give away! All the best!
I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks
great fabric, thanks
follow your blog
This is a new line to me! I do like Basic Grey, so I'm excited about the new fabric as much as the giveaway! Congrats on your anniversary!!!
I follow your blog!
This fabric is definitely perfect for spring!
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I am a GFC follower – I love your blog!!!!
Well done and congrats Denise! And this looks like a really lovely layer cake – so pretty!!!
Happy blogaversary! What a fun way to celebrate! Thanks for the opportunity to win some fabric.
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400 blog posts and 3 years of blogging, what a fantastic accomplishment! Good for you! ;-> Toni Anne
congratulations. such pretty fabric. can make something for spring.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net
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Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!
I follow through email and Bloglovin, I think. Congratulations on 3 wonderful years! ;-> Toni Anne
Congratulations on your blog anniversary:) Thanks for the chance to win some pretty fabric!!!
Would love to quilt a throw for my sofa in these bright spring-time colors.
What a WONDERFUL giveaway! Thank you!
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Congrats on your anniversary!
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Congrats on the blog anniversary!
I follow via blogger and email.
Congrats! How exciting!
oh, for fun this fresh cut looks so springy. Thanks for the chance to win
Beautiful fabric! Would love to create something with it!
[email protected]
Congrats! That's something worth celebrating. Such lovely "springness" is fabric!
I follow you by e-mail.
Happy Anniversary.
I hope it is ok, as I added your giveaway to a page where I share insights on giveaways and contests:
Love these fabrics!! I sure would love to make a quilt with this!! Thanks [email protected]
I receive your newsletter and love it!! Thanks! [email protected]
Congrats on your three years!!! Looking forward to more inspiration in the next years!!!!
I follow you via email and Bloglovin!!
very nice, thank you Denise
Denise, I definitely follow your blog!
Happy third blogiversary & thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a follower with Bloglovin' – thanks again.
Congrats on the blogiversary!
I am an email follower
I'm an email and Feedly follower.
I follow on bloglovin! [email protected]
Super! I already get your updates by email. Isn't it amazing how time flies?
Happy blogaversary. It is a wonderful experience, isn't it?
I am a follower via GFC.
Happy Blogversary!!
Happily following with GFC.
such pretty fabrics. thanks for the giveaway.
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Thank you for a generous Giveaway. Sweet fabric!
I am an email Follower. Thanks!
Congratulations! That is a cute bit of fabric.
I follow via email
Happy anniversary! You've accomplished so much in three short years!
I'm also a happy e-mail follower. Keep 'em comin'!
Happy anniversary! I love your blog! Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I follow your blog on Bloglovin. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
congratulations on your third year of blogging….
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I follow you by email!
Congratulations on your third year anniversary! Keep up the good work!
Happy anniversary. I follow by email.
Congrats! So happy I found your site- I love the Cathedral Window block from your City Girl series! Thanks! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com
Happy Anniversary – what an exciting mile stone for you to be celebrating. Thanks for sharing.
I follow your blog and I am on your mailing list 🙂
Happy Blogaversary Denise! And many more! Thanks for your inspiring blog and for hosting this lovely fabric giveaway!
Congratulations! Thank you for the great giveaway. I always enjoy reading your posts.
I'm a follower via email.
I've been following you on Bloglovin. Thanks again for your lovely blog. My favorite quilt of yours is Sue's Dive.
Beautiful fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations on 3 years. I am a follower.
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That's a big milestone, congratulations!
I follow via GFC.
I love layer cakes!
Wow 3 years is awesome! I am feeling pretty out of it as my second anniversary came and went and I didn't get any celebrating done on my blog. You are doing it up right!!
I follow by newsletter through email.
Congratulations! Great giveaway.
Congratulations on your great blog 🙂
I follow on Bloglovin!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Ohh what pretty fabric! Happy anniversary!
Congratulations! Thank you for the chance to win a great layer cake!
I follow by email!
I follow on Bloglovin.
Happy anniversary! thanks for the chance!!
And I follow via email! thanks again!! 🙂
Congratulations on your third anniversary.
I follow on BL.
Congrats! Thanks for the chance to win.
I follow on feedlot and get your newsletter.
You and the Fat Quarter Shop are so generous. Thank you!
Congratulations on 3 years, Denise! I follow on feedly.
I'm following by email.
Congratulations on 3 years. Lots of work to keep up a great blog.
What a great way to celebrate…and a wonderful blog. Thanks for all you share. Congrats.
Congratulations….you have a lovely blog and I always enjoy your posts! Congrats and here's wishing you many more years!
Congrats on your blog-versary, TY for blessing someone with a wonderful gift. Best wishes for many, many more,
Happy Blogiversary!
Love the fabric. :o)
I follow you on Bloglovin (pippirose)
Beautiful fabric to win, congrats on your blog success.
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Anything with pink and flowers is okay in my book.
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for the chance to win!
wigglypup2 at yahoo dot com
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for the chance to win!
wigglypup2 at yahoo dot com
Congratulations on your third anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win some fabric.
I follow you through Bloglovin.
I follow you by email.
Happy 3rd Blogiversary!!! YAY!!!
This fabric line is Beautiful!! (I am sooo ready fro Spring..and Colors!! here in Ohio lol) Thanks for chance to win! 🙂
I am already a Follower thru Bloglovin & Email too 🙂
Is that fireworks picture you have at the top….I have that fabric! Funny…all the fabric prints in the world…..and I have one that someone else has!
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paweis at yahoo dot com
The fabric is so pretty, just what I need to get ready for spring.
paweis at yahoo dot com
Great job! Wow 3 years
Lovely! I love fresh cut- – congrats on 3 years!!
I follow through email!
Hey, what a cool giveaway. 😀 Thanks for the chance
I also follow by email. 🙂
I love layer cakes, and this one is beautiful!
I follow you by email! Thanks!
I follow – thru emails.
Sandi Timmons
[email protected]
Congrats and thank you for giveaway! Happy blogging! 🙂
I have been enjoying your sew along. Thank you so much for the chance to win that lovely layer cake. So many ideas for using that layer cake come to mind. Wonder if I could somehow use this layer cake towards your sew along.
Sandi Timmons
[email protected]
Happy blog third anniversary!!!
Congratulations, 3 years sure went fast. I love your site.
[email protected]
I follow you via email and pinterest.
[email protected]
I really like this line of fabric and to win a layer cake would be awesome. Thanks for the chance to win.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I follow you via email and blog
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
Congrats on your third anniversary Denise. Thank you for a fab giveaway and for a chance to win.
Congratulations, how many blogs is that? Would love to win.
I am an E-mail follower.
I am a follower.
I am a follower.
Congrats on your third anniversary Denise. Thank you for a fab giveaway and for a chance to win.
I am always in the market for a layer cake! Would love to win one, too!
Happy anniversary! Thanks for a chance to win the beautiful layer cake.
Wow, happy anniversary to 3 years of blogging!
I'm a follower.
Congratulations!! Indeed, 3 years is a fabulous accomplishment. We are all learning along too!
I follow by newsletter!
Congratulations and thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I follow on Bloglovin' (Paula Lemos)
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I love your site and look forward to the new blocks you publish each month. Happy blogiversary to you.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I follow you via Bloglovin.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Thanks fur the awesome giveaway! [email protected]
I follow via bloglovin. [email protected]
I follow on Bloglovin.
I follow via email.
What a lovely gift. Congratulations on 3 wonderful years.
I follow you via email.
Happy Anniversary!! Thanks for the giveaway. I hope you stick around, and have many more years blogging 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! Lovely fabric! Happy third anniversary.
I follow via email
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow via bloglovin.
Congratulations! Three years?! Time flies in blogland, doesn't it?
I'm a Bloglovin' follower!
Lovely giveaway,than you for the chance to win it.Follow by mail.
Love the colors in your city girl sew a long. Thanks for the chance to win the layer cake.
I'd love to win!
I am a happy Bloglovin follower. x
Happy Anniversary! Sign me up to win! Thanks, Kathy
[email protected]
Thank you for a lovely giveaway, this is a gorgeous layer cake. x
Congrats on your 3rd anniversary! I love this line of fabric. My favorite is the Tulip Field fabrics. Thank you for the chance to win it!
I follow you via bloglovin.
I follow you on bloglovin, as kdavis1 (at) centurytel (dot) net
What a great giveaway! Happy anniversary!
I follow you via email!
Thank you for your giveaway and congratulations on three years! These florals remind me that spring is on the way, even as I look at at snow!!
Congratulations on your 3 years of blogging and thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.
I'm a follower on Blloglovin. Thanks for the oppportunity to win your giveaway.
That's a lovely layer cake-prints just right for Spring sewing!
I am an email subscriber
Congratulations on 3 years! Wishing you many more. I follow on Bloglovin!
Happy anniversary!
Love it! Thanks for a chance to win.
I follow on bloglovin.
Thank you for hosting the giveaway! weitay at Gmail dot com
I really appreciate all your free patterns & tutorials. Thanks sew much.
I am a follower of your wonderful blog.
Congrats on three years! What a wonderful reason to celebrate 🙂
I follow on feedly
I follow on feedly
Happy anniversary! I've learned how to quilt from the internet by reading your blog and others like it.
Thanks for the giveaway. That line reminds me of thirties prints freshened up.
I am a follower!
I do follow your blog.Thanks
Happy blog anniversary and more to come!!
Congratulations on your blogaversary! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a longtime follower on Blogger.
Happy Blogiversary! I just stumbled onto you blog and I had fun poking around. Here's to another three years!
Also, I just started following you on Bloglovin.
Basic Grey has always been one of my favorites! Thanks for the giveaway.
Yes, I follow you via newsletter.
I follow you via Bloglovin!
Congrats on your anniversary!!
Thanks for a fabulous giveaway Denise!
Email and GFC follower!
I love the colors and would love to win.
[email protected]
I follow on email, blogovin and pinterest
Congratulations Denise and thank you for the great giveaway.
I follow you via GFC/Bloglovin.
This is a gorgeous Layer Cake ! Thanks for the chance to win it!
I follow you by email.
Beautiful, would love to win! I follow you with e-mail
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I sure would love to win the beautiful layer cake.
I follow your blog through e-mail.
Congrats, Denise!!!!
Happy blogiversary xx
I'm follow you by email
Iain dot ross30 at gmail dot com
great giveaway !! i follow via bloglovin debbiesmith21 xx
Happy Blogiversary to YOU!
I follow you via email.
Thx for the chance to win this pretty layer cake!
jenny at youmansfamily dot com
Following on Bloglovin'. Just a suggestion, you might want to put the FOLLOW buttons on your blog, makes it easier for us. You can keep track of how many followers you have. [email protected]
I just love anything moda. Thanks!
Happy 3 years of blogging. [email protected]
Congratulations on your Anniversary .I follow you by newsletter..Thanks for the Giveaway.
Congratulations on your Anniversary .I follow you by newsletter..Thanks for the Giveaway.
Congrats. on your anniversary! Wishing you many more!
I receive your emails! Thanks!
I follow you via newsletter 🙂
Love giveaways. The chance is always exciting…even thought I have never been picked
And for my 2nd chance, I follow you via email : )
Love the blog
What cute fabric! Perfect for Spring! ps. I'm so ready for Spring.
Congratulations on your 3 year blog anniversary! The fabric in that layer cake is so pretty. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!
Lovely layer cake, of course it would be as all Basic Grey is good, imho.
Following via bloglovin'.
Happy third anniversary!
Awesome giveaway, thanks so much!
[email protected]
I follow you by email! Thanks
[email protected]
Congratulations on your anniversary! Time flies doesn't it?
I am a follower via email subscription.
What a great layer cake!
lenelson(at) mail(dot)com
I follow you via email.
lenelson(at) mail(dot)com
That's beautiful fabric!
I follow by email.
I follow you by email. [email protected]
I love pre-cuts!!! They make quilting faster, easier and are Beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win a Fresh Cut Layer Cake by Moda!! [email protected]
I am just LOVING this Fresh Cut collection! Thanks for the chance!
Love that layer cake!!! Thanks
Congratulations! Glad you decided to blog!
t_ktl at
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t_ktl at
I follow you on Pinterest 🙂
Happy 3 years! You inspire me. 🙂
congratulations! I love reading your blog!
I follow – by email! tks!
Congratulations on your 3rd year of blogging and sharing your ideas with others who share the passion! We all learn from each other and social media has given us a fantastic way to do it!
I am a Bloglovin' follower!
Happy Blogiversary! Can you believe how much has changed in quilt blogland in just 3 years. At least for me. I hardly read anything and now everyday I have to get my quilt reading fix. And the quilts and other projects that are being created. Boggles the mind. congrats on being such a part of it.
Very pretty layer cake. Thank you for sharing! [email protected]
I follow via email. Thanks.
I signed up to follow you by email. [email protected]
Beautiful florals – so tired of winter. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Denise, I follow you on bloglovin, e-mail and pinterest. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Congrats on your 3 years. What great fabric in your giveaway!
What a beautiful fabric line! [email protected]
I have never actually made a quilt from a layer cake. Shhhh, don't tell 🙂
Congrats on 3 years! Lovely fabric
Of course I'm a follower (via email, sooo convenient!)
What an amazing giveaway!
I enjoy your blog posts and the City Girl blocks are great. Thanks!
I follow you via email. 🙂
Congrats on your Anniversary!
Congratulations! May you have many happy blogging years ahead! 🙂
I follow you with bloglovin. [email protected]
Thanks for the chance! [email protected]
Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Congratulations and thanks for a great giveaway!
[email protected]
Happy Blogaversary! Fab giveaway
Happy 3rd. Anniversary Denise, and thank you so much for this giveaway opportunity.
[email protected]
I follow you on Bloglovin. [email protected]
Layer cakes are fun to work with. So many possibilities! — soparkaveataoldotcom
I follow by email. — soparkaveataoldotcom
I would love to win this bundle! THanks! merryorganic at gmail dot com
Congrats on the anniversary! Lovely giveaway.
Obrigada!Será que ainda dá tempo?Sou seguidora,bj [email protected]
Happy 3rd anniversary!
Thanks so much. Very pretty fabric…I looked up all the patterns on their site. God bless!
ILuvTheEucharist @
I follow you via email. [email protected]
I don't blog but I sure do rad them all. I'm so glad you decided to do one! [email protected]