We had a Name Tag contest last month in our Quilt Guild. At left is my name tag, which won second place. Yes, I wore it on my shirt… and I am sure none of the newcomers will forget who I am any time soon!
I could not fit books into this survival kit. Otherwise, it has all the things I cannot live without: sewing machine, notions, soft drinks, cake, candy, love…
How we change with time! Ten years ago this kit would still have books, along with yarn, crochet hooks, knitting needles. In any case, I do not believe one can survive without a hobby, whatever it may be. When we are lost creating, collecting, assembling, our souls are uplifted and wounds are healed.
What would your survival kit look like?
tubilinha tiacarminha says
Se eu entendi a tradução…isto sim é que é crachá.Uma das peças criativas e mais linda que eu já vi nos últimos dez anos,parabéns.Mas me diga:porque não foi o primeiro?Sou suspeita,…há tudo bem…BeijoGRANDE