Fons & Porter sent
me a copy of their Build your Best Log Cabin ebook for review. Log Cabin blocks
are one of my favorite blocks, as they were the subject of my first 12 or 15
quilts! This 24-page ebook spotlights three popular log cabin blocks: traditional,
courthouse steps, and chevron. It is a great resource for beginners and
experienced quilters alike.
Following instructions on how to assemble each type of log cabin block, you will
find photographs of antique quilts, charts with strip measurements to
help build various block sizes, and patterns by renowned designer Ricky Tims,
as well as Shon McMain, Lori Christianson, and Marti Michell.
As a bonus, you get instructions with step-by-step photographs on trapunto
quilting, and binding with
piping. To download the Build your Best Log Cabin ebook by Fons & Porter click here.
(You will be prompted to provide your email address before downloading the PDF
In the meantime, if you have not entered this week’s giveaway, click here
for a chance to win a layer cake featuring Riley Blake Designs fabrics!
Happy quilting!