One thirty in the morning and I cannot fall back asleep. Two weeks into this diet, and I sort of miss being able to eat bread and butter whenever I am hungry.
Waking up during the night is tricky, as the brain starts engaging in overdrive at the wrong time: prepare for class I am teaching on Thursday (scheduled before I knew my kids would have no school that day, and since everybody I know will be traveling, I have no babysitter!), the upcoming 15-minute talk on Sunday at church which still needs to be written, other looming deadlines…
(The cup of mint tea I prepared was drained quicker than I noticed!)
Well, let’s try the reverse: what have I already accomplished since Monday? First and foremost, I HAVE ALREADY VOTED!!! Pears are canned. Four small sewing projects I started last Saturday are finished. Three loads of laundry done. Yesterday’s phone calls returned. Husband’s car taken to dealership for repairs. Another embroidery block almost finished. Kids are still alive despite their tantrums over… whatever.
(I am hoping to be so tired remembering all that I did that I will crawl back to bed. Not working yet.)
Too early to call my mom or sister in Brazil. Preparing tomorrow’s dinner would be too noisy. Counting sheep doesn’t work as I find them so cute that I stop counting them and start designing baby quilts in my head. Too late to take Melatonin. Have prayed twice and I bet God did not appreciate being disturbed at this time of the night (He lives on my time zone, in case you did not know). Eating is out of the question…
(I make sure I do not feed the cat when I am awake during the night: 1. I am giving her an opportunity to show empathy towards my diet; 2. If eating during the night increases my likelihood of one day having diabetes, it can’t be good for the cat, either…)
Last option: move to a more comfortable couch and read the scriptures under one of my quilts. I will let you know how it worked out…
In the meantime, what do you do when you are Sleepless in Seattle???