Wow… this last week flew by! I have been busy house-hunting, spending time with the boys, preparing for an eventual move… Sapphire, the younger cat, has been spending more time in my quilt room than the quilter!
My To Do list is growing by the minute:
– Finish small art quilt (should be able to post a picture today)
– Quilt green wall hanging
– Search for more fabric for the Drunkard’s Path quilt
– Complete double wedding ring bed runner
– Work on round robin quilt
Speaking of round robin, here is the block I started with. I wonder what it will look like after my friends have added their rows!
Picture taken before I machine appliqued with blanket stitches. |
These are the ones I can remember. It occurs to me that it isn’t all that bad when you can’t remember things you need to do: at least momentarily, your happiness increases!
Maria Filomena says
Very nice!!!!
Maria Filomena,
de Portugal