This post is for all of you inventors: I need a Stitch Zapper! Here is how I envision it: it would be as thin as a laser pen, and you point its zapping doohickey to stitches you want to undo (I don’t like the word ‘unpick’ because to my foreign language thinking brain, it doesn’t make sense! You pick out the stitches you don’t like, but how do you ‘unpick’ stitches? Anyway…)
Could you imagine how wonderful the stitch zapper would be when you need to undo quilting stitches? (I spent 40 minutes yesterday afternoon undoing quilting stitches from a 4 square inch area…) Note for the inventor: the zapper would have to be careful enough not to zap the fabric threads, smart enough to skip the stitches we do not want to remove, and affordable enough so WE COULD ALL HAVE IT!
Anybody up for the challenge? What other features should the Stitch Zapper include? Leave your comment and you may win a few of my favorite doohickeys!!!
DSGundersen says
Great idea, Denise! If only . . . and you are right, you pick out stitches, you don't unpick!
Denise Russell says
So, Diana, how long do you think it will be before we have the stitch zapper? Seam rippers seem so out of place in this high tech world! 🙂
Sarah Craig says
I think it should also zap fat – a dual purpose tool! And when you come up with it, be sure to sign me up as an investor – you'll make a fortune!!!
Denise Russell says
A multitask tool! Brilliant! It could suck the fat out through our fingertips!!! 🙂
Tonya says
I'll take one for sure, maybe two. lol
Sharon B says
I know about chatelaines but to keep all my tools around my neck they are so heavy. I want something to keep all my little things (ripper, scissors, needles, thread, etc) together at my finger tips – may be a "fanny back" bracelet?
Brenda says
What an amazing tool you are inventing, everyone else agrees also. Their ideas are great, what about having it give us options for matching threads to go in the area we are unpicking. That way when we go back to stitching the areas we would have changed threads and made the stitching match wonderfully!